The hardest pole dancing tricks
There are many things in our pole lives that will challenge us. Finding a place to store our heels and pole wear is one of them. Discovering the ultimate pole grip for sweaty hands is another. And restraining ourselves when being hypnotized by Blue Phoenix’s leg twizzles is often a challenge.
Although without a doubt, it is our pole tricks that challenge us the most. So, what are the hardest tricks you will learn in pole class? Find out and tell us if we missed any!
Although without a doubt, it is our pole tricks that challenge us the most. So, what are the hardest tricks you will learn in pole class? Find out and tell us if we missed any!

Oh hey bestie! Our top pole dancing essentials.
A new blog has just landed! To make your pole life easier, we narrow down our top pole dancing essentials and BFFs in pole 💖 Check it out to see what must-haves should be in your pole bag (pssst – there could even be some cheeky discount codes!)