As a 90s kid, we were taught that if you swallowed gum it would sit in your stomach for 7 years, that there is dye in the swimming pool that will turn green if you pee in the pool, and that Vegemite will cure pretty much anything (this one we are still yet to prove otherwise!).
Like the tales we were told growing up, and the many TikTok trends you should definitely NOT try at home, there are a few myths floating around about what to expect from pole dancing classes. We're here to set the story straight about the world of pole dancing and bust the pole dancing misconceptions!
Myth #1 – You need to be fit to start pole dancing
The biggest myth about pole dancing to ever exist! So many people put off starting a beginner's pole dancing class purely because they think they need to be fitter, stronger, leaner. This is not true at all! Pole dancing, unlike many other styles of dance or sports, requires absolutely no fitness background. Of course, those with a dance, gymnastic or calisthenics background may progress a little faster than others, but this is not to say that you must have a fitness background to get started.
One of the best things about pole dancing classes is that you can progress through the beginner, intermediate and advanced levels at your own pace. Your instructors will be extremely supportive and will encourage you to learn safely at a speed that is perfect for you. Many studios have a class syllabus
so that each trick you learn, sets a foundation for a new one later on. This not only helps to keep you injury-free, but it enables you to believe in your own ability and grow confidence in hitting new fitness goals each week!
So this myth is busted baby – book into that pole dancing class ASAP and find a new way to have fun while working out!

Myth #2 – Only young people do pole dancing
Not far behind the old, "I'm not fit enough" excuse when it comes to starting a pole class, is the "I'm too old for pole dancing" excuse. And no, you definitely are not too old to start pole!
One of the biggest surprises people have when they step into a pole dancing class, is the diversity of people in them. Some classes have students aged anywhere between 18 years old to 60 years old and over! The best part? The students are always so supportive of each other no matter their age.
People start pole dancing for many different reasons – to increase fitness, have fun while working out, to have some "me time", to improve their mobility, or even just to make new friends as an adult. Regardless of your age, you will be welcomed with open arms and an excessive number of sparkles at pole studios around the world.
Another thing that sets the pole world apart from so many other sports/dance styles, is that some pole competitions have categories especially for people aged 40+ years. Pole Championship Series which is part of the Arnold Sports Festival is one of these competitions and those that compete in the Master's category are absolutely incredible.
Ageing is just another word for living – and what better way to live than in fun pole dancing heels and bright booty shorts!
Myth #3 – All pole classes are sensual and sexy
The classic stigma surrounding pole dancing is that classes are sexy, sensual, and require very little clothing. Yes, some classes encourage you to embrace your sensuality and slink all over the floor for an hour (trust us - it's fantastic and can be very therapeutic) but there are other styles of pole dancing too.
In the way that traditional dance studios boast jazz, hip hop, tap, ballet and contemporary, many pole dancing studios have different styles of classes also. Depending on the pole studio, there may be exotic pole classes, lap dance classes, strip tease, floor work – but also – pole acro, pole workout classes, flexibility classes, pole tricks, upbeat or lyrical pole dance classes.
Pole dancers love to bring their own creative flare to pole, so if you want to dress up as a cat and twerk to a Lizzo song for a performance, go ahead! Some pole studios and pole dance competitions do lean towards the sexy side of pole, so visit the website of your nearest pole studio to see what classes they
offer. Just like trying out a new gym, new yoga studio or new netball team, you are bound to find a pole studio that suits you.
PSA: If you do try sensual pole dance classes, we must warn you – you may unleash an inner confidence and appreciation for your body that you never knew you had! Get it girl.
Myth #4 – Pole dance studios are seedy nightclubs
In the early 2000's, many pole dancing classes started in nightclubs, when the dancers realised that there were every day peeps wanting to learn how to pole dance and do cool tricks! They held lunchtime classes for women to come and learn fun moves in a safe environment. As pole dancing classes started to become increasingly popular, purpose-built pole studios started to appear worldwide.
These days pole dance studios are next level! Some studios have multiple rooms, very tall poles and incredible facilities for their students. Depending on the pole studio you attend, you might find fun neon lighting and floor to ceiling mirrors, while others are bright with natural light and the occasional indoor plant.
Pole dancing studios feel like a second home to many of their students and have come a long way from seedy nightclub venues with their tequila-stained carpet and the lingering smell of regret from the night before.
Myth #5 – You have to be flexible to pole dance
It's all smoke and mirrors my friend – many pole dancing tricks look bendy but are just angled the right way! Most pole dancing studios know that beginners won't always come from a fitness or dance background, so they won't teach you the hardest, most splitty tricks first. Yes, some pole dancing tricks require a degree of flexibility to perform them, but you will normally find these tricks in advanced levels.
For a beginner's pole dancing class, it isn't even expected that you can touch your toes! Pole instructors understand that everyone is different and factor this into their warmup and the way the teach the tricks.
Pole studios will tend to offer stretch or flexibility classes as well, so that if you want to improve your flexibility, not just for pole tricks but also for everyday movement, you can add this to your schedule!
Myth #6 – Only confident people take pole dance classes
Hell no! You can be as quiet as a mouse and still whip out a great pole trick or dance routine! The pole world is brimming with all kinds of people – the loud and wild ones, the princesses, the fitness junkies, the daredevils, even the book worms. In one pole dancing class, you can have a vet nurse, a lawyer, a librarian, a paramedic, a stripper, a kindergarten teacher, a biologist and a police officer. It really takes all types to make the pole world sparkle the way it does.
If you feel like your personality falls on the introverted, shy side, don’t let this stop you from trying a pole class. One of the wonderful things about pole dancing is that the class sizes are small (there are only so many poles we can fit into a studio) so you won't feel lost a large group of people. There is a nice balance of attention, where the teacher instructs from the front of the room, but then comes around to help everyone singly.
Yet another myth busted! You don't need to be a confident person to start pole dancing – in fact, pole dancing helps to increase your confidence and teaches you to appreciate your body just the way it is. And if you need a pole outfit to give you a confidence boost, check out AMBR Designs of course!
Now that we have busted some common pole dancing myths, it's time for us to go bust a move in pole class – wearing our favourite booty shorts of course! What's the craziest myth you have heard about pole dancing? Tell us in the comments below!