Polewear vs. Activewear - What's the difference?
There’s nothing like going to brunch with your besties dressed in your fav activewear. What else says ‘I’ve got my morning (and life) together’ like a matching set and puffer vest. Throw on a cute cap, bring your keep cup, and you’ll be giving ‘I can have my avocado and eat it too’ vibes.
Why Choose AMBR?
Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, AMBR pole wear is sure to help you reach your full potential.
Polewear Every Pole Dancer Must Have
Nothing gets you ready for a fresh year of pole dancing classes like new pole wear. Never underestimate the emotional support a pair of booty shorts can provide in nailing an aerial straddle or combo.
It’s a great way to trick your brain into unleashing new confidence and strength. Perhaps it’s psychological, perhaps it’s magic that the AMBR mermaids weave into each garment. Sis, we’ll never know. But what we do know is that every pole dancer must have these things in their wardrobe.
It’s a great way to trick your brain into unleashing new confidence and strength. Perhaps it’s psychological, perhaps it’s magic that the AMBR mermaids weave into each garment. Sis, we’ll never know. But what we do know is that every pole dancer must have these things in their wardrobe.