3 ways to convince your bestie to start pole dancing classes

Pole dancing is like finding the perfect jeans. You spend SO long trying to find the ultimate ones – to fit your body, your lifestyle and to make you feel fabulous.
Exercise is no different! How many spin classes, gym memberships and yoga poses did you “chaturanga” through until you discovered the dazzling world that is pole dancing? Not to say that these types of classes aren’t great (let’s be honest, pole dancers could use some Zen in their life during comp season). But when you find the perfect fit, the one that just ticks every single box, makes your body feel and look great – we're still talking about pole here – don't you want to shout it from the top of rooftop?! The world must know how pole dancing can change your life!
When you discover jeans that fit like a dream, you usually buy them in multiple colours, post daily “fit check” stories and start telling your nearest and dearest about them. The pole equivalent? Book multiple classes, post Sunday Bumday selfies and start telling your nearest and dearest about it!
So how do you convince the entire world that they should start pole dancing classes sooner rather than later?! Start with the closest one – your bestie – and let the pole-suasion begin!
1. Share more than just the physical benefits of pole
Exercise is no different! How many spin classes, gym memberships and yoga poses did you “chaturanga” through until you discovered the dazzling world that is pole dancing? Not to say that these types of classes aren’t great (let’s be honest, pole dancers could use some Zen in their life during comp season). But when you find the perfect fit, the one that just ticks every single box, makes your body feel and look great – we're still talking about pole here – don't you want to shout it from the top of rooftop?! The world must know how pole dancing can change your life!
When you discover jeans that fit like a dream, you usually buy them in multiple colours, post daily “fit check” stories and start telling your nearest and dearest about them. The pole equivalent? Book multiple classes, post Sunday Bumday selfies and start telling your nearest and dearest about it!
So how do you convince the entire world that they should start pole dancing classes sooner rather than later?! Start with the closest one – your bestie – and let the pole-suasion begin!
1. Share more than just the physical benefits of pole
Okay so rather than just diving straight in with a pair of AMBR Super Highs and a bottle of Envirogrip to initiate them with, first tell your bestie about the many reasons why they should start pole dancing. There are so many amazing physical benefits of pole dancing, such as building upper-body and core
strength, getting a cardio workout and increased flexibility. But as you know – and your bestie is about to find out – there are many other benefits of pole classes too.
strength, getting a cardio workout and increased flexibility. But as you know – and your bestie is about to find out – there are many other benefits of pole classes too.
Pole dancing really is such a fun way to workout. Rather than counting reps, you focus on learning cool pole dancing tricks and combinations AKA combos. Pole dancing classes are not about how your body looks at all – but rather what it can do. Your bestie will be so surprised at just how much can be achieved
Pole dancing is also great for your mental health. Realising just how capable and strong you are when you nail that new pole trick has a domino effect and blossoms into more confidence and better self-esteem. Your bestie will discover the power of a positive mindset, and this newfound confidence, determination and bubbly energy will have them strutting through life, ready to take on anything!
2. Do a class together!
in an 8-week term. The amazing pole combos you learn during class is the true adventure, and the physical transformation just comes along for the ride.
Pole dancing is also great for your mental health. Realising just how capable and strong you are when you nail that new pole trick has a domino effect and blossoms into more confidence and better self-esteem. Your bestie will discover the power of a positive mindset, and this newfound confidence, determination and bubbly energy will have them strutting through life, ready to take on anything!
2. Do a class together!
Now that you have been dropping not-so-subtle hints about the brilliant physical and mental benefits of pole dancing, your bestie is now on the fence about trying a class. You just need to find that one thing to tip them off that fence and into pole dancing land where the grass isn’t just greener – it sparkles.
One of the best ways to try a pole dancing class is to take a buddy, so kidnap your bestie for a fro-yo run and instead take them directly to the pole studio! Many pole dancing studios have open days or beginner classes which are suited to people like your friend. Book your bestie into your class with you, or if you are in a higher level, see if there’s room for you to book a pole to tag along for moral support.
Another great way to get your bestie pole dancing is to start attending a casual class together! Booking in a weekly dance class is guaranteed to be so much fun and a great way for you to catch up with each other during week.
The wonderful thing about pole dancing is that pole classes are always full of supportive instructors and students. If you can’t always make it to class with your bestie, you know that there will be many other peeps in the class hyping them up and cheering them on! Pole dancing is such a fun-loving, social industry – think of all the new friends you will both make and weekend trips to pole dancing comps you can take!
3. Buy them a pair of shoes
This is it. Your final hand to play. If raving about the incredible benefits of pole dancing didn’t work (your own transformation should be proof in itself) and dragging your bestie along to a beginner pole class hasn’t worked, then you have one last thing to do...
One of the best ways to try a pole dancing class is to take a buddy, so kidnap your bestie for a fro-yo run and instead take them directly to the pole studio! Many pole dancing studios have open days or beginner classes which are suited to people like your friend. Book your bestie into your class with you, or if you are in a higher level, see if there’s room for you to book a pole to tag along for moral support.
Another great way to get your bestie pole dancing is to start attending a casual class together! Booking in a weekly dance class is guaranteed to be so much fun and a great way for you to catch up with each other during week.
The wonderful thing about pole dancing is that pole classes are always full of supportive instructors and students. If you can’t always make it to class with your bestie, you know that there will be many other peeps in the class hyping them up and cheering them on! Pole dancing is such a fun-loving, social industry – think of all the new friends you will both make and weekend trips to pole dancing comps you can take!
3. Buy them a pair of shoes
This is it. Your final hand to play. If raving about the incredible benefits of pole dancing didn’t work (your own transformation should be proof in itself) and dragging your bestie along to a beginner pole class hasn’t worked, then you have one last thing to do...
Buy your bestie some pole dancing shoes.
Do it. Just do it. We know that pole heels don’t really fall into the K-mart price range BUT if you truly love your bestie and you REALLY want them to be hooked, we have no doubt that a pair of glittery 8-inces will reel them in. How could you not become instantly obsessed with pole shoes?! Cinderella’s glass slipper has nothing on a pair of patent heels that could squash any old pumpkin.
And if you really want to catch your bestie hook, line and sinker, get them some AMBR pole wear while you’re at it! We know that YOU live and breathe AMBR so why shouldn’t your bestie!
Once your pole bestie pops on a new waffle set in the gorgeous new sky colour and straps on some pole shoes, they will become obsessed. Not just with their amazing pole outfits and tricks, or the vibe at the pole studio, but with their new confidence and gorgeous self! And that Angels, is the best gift you could give a friend.